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Don’t Forget To Target Generation Z!

Talk to your Beaconsfield SEO agency about the keywords you’re targeting in your organic and PPC campaigns at the moment so you can see if they’re helping you reach a certain, apparently quite lucrative, audience right now.

A new study from Adobe has revealed that despite the fact that Generation Z is the first generation to grow up never having known a time before the internet, they’re the most likely age group to be influenced by what they see online, Mobile Marketing Magazine reports.

It was also found that 52 per cent of Generation Zers frequently engage with ads placed online, compared to 30 per cent across other age groups. They’re also the most trusting, with some 28 per cent believing that companies will treat their data properly, compared to seven per cent of Baby Boomers.

Vice-president of Northern Europe at Adobe Gavin Mee was quoted by the news source as saying: “Companies can’t take these relationships for granted – if a brand falls short of their high expectations, this data-savvy age group has no problem exercising choices and moving to a competitor that can deliver a personalised, relevant experience.

“Across all generations, and especially with older age groups, brands need to build trust by being open about how they use data, and clear about the added value it enables them to deliver.”

Gen Z refers to people born between 1995 and the mid-2000s, and one of the most important aspects of this demographic to remember is that they’re interested in the experiences that your products can give them and how they can benefit.

They’re less interested in hearing how amazing your product is, so perhaps bear this in mind when putting your next ad campaigns together!

If you’re looking for help with web design in Marlow, or want to find out how Crisp can help you grow your digital revenue please contact us here or take our Digital Scorecard and find out how you can get better today.

To find out how Crisp can help you grow your digital revenue, please Contact Us or take our Digital Scorecard to find out how you can improve today.

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