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Please find more information below on setting up and using LastPass:

Accepting Lastpass Login

This document explains how to clear cache and cookies in Safari 8.0 to 10.0.

  1. Open your Email Account and find the LastPass share Email and click ‘Accept Shared Data’.
  2. Select ‘Get Started’ if you are a new user or ‘Log Into an Existing Account’ to link the new Shared data to your existing LastPass account.
  3. Create a password you wish to use to log in to your LastPass then select ‘Create Account’.
  4. You can now view and use the shared login details on the LastPass website, browser extension or mobile app.
Installing Lastpass Browser Extension - Chrome

Google Chrome:

  1. Open the Chrome extension store and find the LastPass extension.
  2. Select “Add to Chrome”.
  3. You can now Login or Create a new account to access and autofill your passwords.
Installing Lastpass Browser Extension - Safari


  1. Open the Safari extension store, find the LastPass extension and select “Install now”

  2. You can now Login or Create a new account to access and autofill your passwords.

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