Castle Street Dance Studios is a Dance School based in South Buckinghamshire who are very keen to manage their own website. The client explained that they were keen to keep up-to-date with technology and is often looking to reduce the time it takes her to complete repetitive tasks.
After coming to Crisp in 2018 with their sights set on a new website, we quickly understood the need for an area that was open to the public to get information on classes, events and more. However, a parents portal was also required to integrate with their registration system DanceBiz. This would enable parents to see invoices and book events, as well as giving students access to pictures of their shows or recordings of lessons.
The new CSDS website launched with the parent portal as briefed, integrations to DanceBiz, plus new marketing materials such as an email marketing design and delivery platform MailPoet which allowed teachers to design and send newsletters to all the parents easily. Online forms for the parents to complete in the parents portal when events and policies now require signatures, helping with paperwork and reducing the time spend on admin tasks. CSDS continue to host with Crisp Digital and has recently returned for more system integration and social media management.

Feedback from Castle Street Dance Studios (CSDS)
Just wanted to thank you, we sent out our newsletter with all our reopening details and included the summer school booking and its working like a dream! Everything is automated, my life is so much easier.
Thanks, I am absolutely over the moon with the new upgrades this year! I’ve been dying to update our correspondence and marketing and I love it! Can’t thank you enough for the amount Crisp have done to bring CSDS up to date.
Jess Clayton, Principal of Castle Street Dance Studios