What Happens After A Brand Has A Self-Destructive Moment?
The right branding campaign needs to match the vision, mission and message of a brand, as well as fit the zeitgeist of the target market. All of this is not necessarily easy, and it will often take a considerable amount of planning with the help of a branding agency...
The Biggest Marketing Missteps By Advertising Masterminds
It is not true to say that branding is something done in a vacuum. A marketing agency will look at what resonates with an audience within a particular industry sector during any given time, and design campaigns with that context in mind. However, whilst it is true...
Should Your Brand Evolve Organically Through Your Customers?
Branding is all about storytelling. Many advice columns, books and branding agencies will outright state this, but it can also be fairly readily intuited by looking at how established brands both in and out of your market sector handle their names. Whilst not...
When Is It Time To Revitalise A Brand With A Clean Slate?
A key point that a branding agency will often instil in clients is the value of history. Many long-standing companies have fascinating, meaningful pasts that are not being utilised to their fullest extent in marketing campaigns outside of perhaps a date of...